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EVERLAND (2009),  is a musical work written for making aware, throughout a cultural project among the largest international audiences, the problem of plastic in the ocean, which involves all forms of life, up to the human beings.
The work has been composed keeping in mind the idea of the recycling, as the dominating concept of the work itself. 
The “philosophy” that considers the correct use of the environment and of the entire Planet too, is therefore inside the history itself and also inside the artistic and musical structure.
The work has been written in ‘economy’ under any aspect: the instrument ensemble is definitely contained (5 musicians);
 the use of the electronic music takes the place of the great orchestra; small chorus and only two solo singers.

The  musical material  itself, whether thematic or not, is  systematically  “RECYCLED” during  the opera through  the compositional technique.  Even  the sounds  used  in the electronic  elaboration and the programs  used  for the elaboration itself,  have  been “dated”  and  adjusted for the occasion. The text of the booklet is in English and based mainly on the scientific details gathered by ALGALITA.



The OPERA is in one act and the LIBRETTO is in English to make easier its international diffusion.
The drama action obtains its life from music, from song, but also from dance, being it present in several moment in the story, from the beginning to the end.
The dance is entrusted to dancers of different technical training and different ages, as well as to mimes (the fishes and the marine birds).
The  point of the environmental complaint is represented, in addition to the text, also by a video which show to the audience the terrible and real action the plastic causes over and inside the marine animals, birds, and the ravage of the natural aquatic environment.
In contrast to the violence and crudeness of the images projected, on stage it takes place at the same time the action of mimes, characterized by a performance that alludes to moments of lightness and fun, as to express symbolically the natural marine life. 



EVERLAND is a unique entity in itself, but it may be preceded by educational workshops before its staging. 
These workshops, to be realized with schools of different order and level, in addition to the formative and informative value for the youngsters, can engage them directly in the construction of objects to be used during the performance, packed with plastic scrap and recycled objects (e.g. costumes, props and scenic elements).    
The collaboration of the artists and/or the cultural operators involved in the production with schools and/or environmental associations would  make the  phase of the  pre-production of the work an “active” moment,  for a greater sharing  of the purposes underlying the Everland project but, above all, it would have a significant role in raising awareness to the issue of the environmental problem and  the possible solutions to be carried out for the recovery and the natural restoration of the marine seascape. 
The workshops could be held in the schools themselves, having available suitable spaces to work by groups.

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